I Gots A Job
Yes! Is the answer to all your questions as to whether or not I’ve found a job yet, lol. You can all let out a big sigh of relief he he.
They rang up about an hour ago saying they’d ‘love to have us aboard’ and told me the shifts they can give me - Tuesday to Friday 8pm - 1am which I think is pretty good coz I get the weekends and all day to do whatever. I’ll be stacking shelves which doesn’t sound all that fun but i’m not bothered really, just something to bring the travel money in, and I think there was mention of having to use those machines that lift crates to the top shelves which sounds fun :-). The place of employment is a chain called The Warehouse (’Where everyone gets a bargain’ - the catchy slogan). I don’t know what I’d compare it too back home, they sell pretty much everything in a big b&q style warehouse building. We went for interviews last week which felt strange coz i’ve never had to have an interview for a job before.
So now that’s sorted I guess I can go out and blow what money I’ve got on a big celebratory meal or something
September 22nd, 2007 at 9:19 am
Hi Nathan it’s me Luc! We’re back on the net now so look out! Been reading your blog with mammy - sounds great! Pictures are reaaly cool, the rock looks like a skate board wall - the sunset one is coolest though!!! Videos are bit rubbish though - got a bit bored watching the ground move under the wheels of your bike and mammy felt sick! Haven’t seen them all though. Since you’ve been gone I’ve been upto lots of good things too! I’ve learnt to ride my bike properly and now me and mammy go out on bike rides, yes mammy is back on her bike too after not riding it since her 1st operation! I’ve been guzzzooomming down the hills and giving mammy a heart attack! I’ve got two more swimming awards too, I’m now on level 5 of national awards. And you won’t believe it but I’ve started rugby training! Last week I played in a tournament, we played 5 games it was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you come home we can have a game with Ceryn and Gethin and a few others (your Dad can join in on his roller blades!!!) I’m nagging mammy to let me start karate lessons too but she’s asked me to wait til New Year. I’ve also got a Nintendo DS and am driving mammy mad with it but she is very strict and will only let me on it on weekends - tough eh! Lily is really big now and getting better - honest!I’m going now to have my breakfast. Missing you coming up to play with me and going on power rangers game with me - no one else is as good as you! Lots of love, Luc xxx PS where’s the pictures of ME!!!!
September 22nd, 2007 at 11:26 pm
Well Hi Nathan, caught up with you at last, finally got my new router set up but still having problems with going wireless - technology eh! Well, your blog makes some great reading, glad you’re doing ok, often thinking about you out there having a ball - living what we all dream about - oh to be 20 something again, I’d settle for 30 something again!!! If you’ve read Luc’s message you’ll have heard he’s keeping me very busy - swimming, cycling, rugby, not to mention walking the dog, Lily is off the lead now when walking over the farm - what a result, she’s doing well and comes when I yell ‘heel’ - Barbara Woodhouse here I come (I can here you shouting ‘who’! - just realised you’re probably too young to remember that she was a very mad dog trainer who had a tv program - yep very mad that’s me!!! I’ll soon be fit as a fiddle! Here’s hoping anyway! Lily is doing really well, at the moment she’s cuddled up beside me sleeping - aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Riding my bike again was a big result for me - I’m really enjoying it! Haven’t fallen off yet either! Only problem I have is that I need side mirrors because I can’t turn my head to see what’s coming behind me - won’t look so cool on a mountain bike but might save my life so I guess I’d better go for them! Not too sure about this rugby though, a program has just started on TV called the Rugby Club, yep say no more! One viewing left me thinking ‘what on earth are we getting into!’ I will certainly be teaching Luc that ‘real athletes’ don’t behave like that!!! Not alot more going on with me - too busy with Luc’s life to worry about my own - still looking for Daniel Craig, not hiding over there is he??? Well, as we’ve got a rugby match tomorrow - yes - training every Wed. and a match every Sunday - even for 6 year olds it’s full on I tell you - he’s got WRU registration, subs card, kit, training ball, boots and even a gum shield!!! Can you believe it!!! So getting back to match tomorrow - and the fact that we’ve got to be at the pitch for 10.30 am and that’s me, Luc and Sophie, Sophie is here having a sleep over, she’s doing great in her swimming too, we’ve all been upto Shine today, as it’s been raining we had to hit the indoor play areas. So finally, I’d better close and get some rest - Sunday mornings as we knew them are no more!!! No more lazy mornings with croissants and coffee, it’s coffee on the run on the way to an hour in the cold and rain on top of a mountain and that’s just the home games!!! The things we do for love ! Almost as bad as body boarding in the freezing cold sea in Cornwall on a very cold August day - so cold the only thing that was blue was our bodies, the sky and sea were a definite shade of grey! So bye for now, don’t work too hard and make sure you get a license before you drive a fork-truck - that’s one of those things that lifts things up to the top of shelves, need a hard hat too, just incase something comes toppling down!!! Take care and have lots more fun, lots of love, Adelle, Luc & Lily xxxxxxxxx PS will e-mail Julie soon and give her your blog address.
September 23rd, 2007 at 4:31 pm
Hi Nathan Glad you have a job and the hours sound just right for you! Where did you go for your celebratory meal! Colin is ‘working’ today so he was not in Church this morning and not home yet. Louise was oplaying in the group this morning. Helen has gone back to Worcester; she is now in a house not halls for this next year. Chris and Graham are looking for jobs at the moment and so is Hannah Davies. She had an interview last week and hopefully has the job- think it is in Caerphilly but not sure. Keep up the good work and be careful with teh fork life truck; do you have a uniform and hard hat to wear? Good that you and Johnnie are working in the same place - are his shifts the same? Any news on the Church front yet? you are both on the news sheet each week. Take care. Linda
September 23rd, 2007 at 9:50 pm
Hi Nathan
Good to read all about your adventures it has taken me a while to get the knack of ths blogging, sounds like something the flowerpot men would do, you wont remember them. Sounds as if you are working somewhere like Makro, take advantage of the staff discounts. There is one thing puzzling me, you said no central heating inside, are you saying they have central heating outside!! bit bonkers if you ask me. Take good care of yourself and have loads of fun - no doubt it’s not only cockroaches you’ve caught but the travel bug too. lol Sandra
September 24th, 2007 at 12:42 pm
@ Luc > Wow Luc, your certainly getting into a lot of cool stuff lately which is great! I know the videos are a bit rubbish, for some reason the videos don’t look as fast as I was actually going (or felt like I was going) so I guess I’ll have to go faster next time, maybe we can both go out and make some cool videos when I’m back eh? btw video #3 is probably the best one, its when I actually reach machen mast and look around, you can see the seven bridges from there you know!
I miss swimming, and have probably forgotten how to by now so you’ll have to teach me when I’m back and you’ll probably be at lifeguard level by then too
That is very cool that your playing rugby now! Are you watching the world cup and cheering wales on? What position do you play? How did all those games go? Score any tries?
Rugby is very big over here and there’s pictures of the All Blacks everywhere and they’re doing quite well, you never know, you could be playing against them when your older
Karate too?! Oh dear, You know I’m your favourite cousin right? Good for you though, tell mammy its a good discipline and focus the mind…
I think you’re probably overreacting about mammy being too strict on the DS though Luc, that doesn’t sound like your mam :-p
I’ve been asking about Lily and Ceryn said she’s like a giraffe! So is she not biting everyone any more? Or peeing on them?!
Miss you too buddy but won’t be that long now, probably… Speak to you soon so long as the broadband holds up
September 24th, 2007 at 1:25 pm
@ Aunty Adelle > Lol I’ve been really confused as to what’s been happening with your offline situation! Good news that your online at last!
It’s not exactly a ball all the time (e.g. Sleeping in the car) but its all good fun nonetheless and am loving the experiences!
Glad you like the blog
I enjoyed Lucs message and its brill all he’s getting up to but it must be tiring! You let Lily of the lead?! Crazy! Give her a biscuit from me and a pat on the head. Have you managed to get her to stop biting and peeing on people? Got her to do tricks yet? How about the ‘Give paw’ like Duke used to do?
I did shout “Who?” and you don’t look much like her though (http://www.nathanoakes.co.uk/tmp/barbara_woodhouse.jpg). Congrats for getting back on the bike! Those mirrors on the bike sound interesting though and I’ll refrain from the jokes, for now lol. Gethins been getting out on mine an he’s been on the machen mast ride but that might be a bit bumpy for you atm.
Lol I can only imagine what that program is like and things I’ve heard from flower rugby club, ahem, say no more! Haven’t seen Mr Craig on my travels but will let him know if I do.
All that kit sounds cool, you’ll have some rugby posts set up in the garden next!
So no days left for any lie-ins then? Ah well never mind, you might be nurturing a future grand slammer there (Gareth Jenkins should be gone by then!)
Say hello to Nige and Sophie for me, I’m getting reports on how everyone is.
Oh c’mon you love all the things you have to put yourself through I’m sure he he, the body boarding in the cold sounds fun.
Diolch yn fawr for the update, much appreciated! Don’t overdo it yourself with your busyness!
September 24th, 2007 at 2:55 pm
@ Linda > Well our celebratory meal actually turned out to be just a (few) drinks at the local (which is an Irish pub!
) and probably too many packets of crisps watching the rugby, it was good.
What does “working” mean? Good to hear what everyone’s up to, glad Louise is keeping up the playing, hows Louise finding it without Helen being there? Chris and Graham haven’t finished uni yet have they? I don’t actually know that there’s a forklift, just hoping :-). There is a uniform but no hard hats, i don’t think its that dangerous… Yep Jonny has got the same shifts. I have found a church, its nice and modern and loads of people my age coz there’s a uni close by so will hopefully make some friends.
September 24th, 2007 at 2:56 pm
@ Sandra > I do remember Bill and Ben! I’m old now y’know! And yeh Makro is what the warehouse is like, good observation
I’ve already eyed up a dartboard for the first staff discount! :-). Lol no heating outside either, I’d be out there if there was! The weather is/was getting better now though as its officially spring but its been raining the last two days :-(.
September 25th, 2007 at 9:41 am
Hi Nathan - you used your day off to catch up with everyone by the seem of things. Glad you found a church with folk your age; bring back any ideas for Mt.P. Colin was at the Police Station Sundy morning and again last night - don’t worry they let him out! He’s the good guy remember. Its Harvest in Church this coming Sunday so its a busy week collecting the bits and peices ready to decorate the church on Saturday ready for Sunday services. Yes Chris & Graham have finish uni. I think Louise misses you and Helen being around. She plays in the group in the mornings and then sits either with her parents or me. Have a good week. Take care.lol Linda.
September 25th, 2007 at 7:31 pm
Great news about the job and the church … sounds like you’ll be having a great time at both!!! Work sounds like a good place to practice raising your hands above your head …
I got a bit confused about Luc’s comments until I realised he was little Luc (in my old age I was thinking of big Luc … but did wonder why he was calling Ros ‘mammy’ … not that she isn’t of course - and the thought of Ros going for terrifying bike rides was a bit hilarious!!!
Adelle, welcome to blogging … it’s where you get to hear all the family news, and more, my problem is understanding it!!!!!!!!!
Someone sent me a Birthday Card with a picture of Lilly on it …. would you like it??????? (I think it’s dried out enough now!!!)
See you soon,
September 27th, 2007 at 5:33 pm
Hi Nathan, great to hear back from you, and apologies for blogging your blog!!! Got a bit carried away having not seen or spoken to you for so long! Realised I should probably be sending e-mails instead - oh well! Luc says thanks for his message too but can’t respond he’s having a bonus go on his DS because I’m feeling bit rough so rugby training in the garden is a no, no - think I’ve caught the lurgy from your mum or it could have been standing on the side line last night freezing cold - it’s suddenly turned bitterly cold - thank goodness we’ve got central heating! Have to get the fleece, hat, gloves & scarf out for Sunday - he’s playing away to Merthyr! Now we’ll see how committed he is - more to the point how committed I am!
Glad I don’t look like Barbara! Have a chance with Daniel Craig after all then!!! And who said sleeping in the car wasn’t a ball! And DON’T you dare comment on my mirrors - anyway a girl needs these things even if it’s not for seeing whats coming up behind but to put some lippy on - never know who you might meet - need to be prepared you know!!!!
Lily isn’t eating as much poo now but she’s still weeing on everyone - well the men in the family anyway!!! Think she’s trying to tell me something! !! She loves dancing too - yep on to back legs when you’re playing with her - sure she thinks she’s human - she spends more time on her hind legs than on all four!
Rugby club are trying to get me to go on tour with them - oh dear! Any ideas for a really good excuse? Have agreed to go to the parents night out though - a band and a few glasses in a local club - let you know how it goes and if I end up dancing on the tables!!!
Graham, would love picture card of Lily - I’ve never understood what goes on in our family either so don’t worry about it! Would make a good book though!
Take care Nathan - blog or e-mail you again soon x
October 5th, 2007 at 1:29 am
Good to hear you’ve got a job.
Seen your Dad a couple of times lately. Called up to join us for one of our worship group practices, and also as he said at Andy’s 10th Anniversary of being in Bargoed. The two former layworkers there were actually Jonny Davies and Jonathan Derbyshire - don’t know which was supposed to be Robert??!? Great to see them, both doing well. Jonathan is getting married next August, would you believe.
Our 7 new Christians are getting a little bit elusive. Haven’t been to church just lately and haven’t yet bitten the bullet with Faith Group. But 3 of them went with Adam to an Ignite event at Cardiff Uni the other Sunday so that was good. God will continue what He’s started, I’m sure.
I’m up late (nearly 1.30am) trying to finish printing off parish magazine …zzz… but this is nothing to the All Night Prayer Vigil I took part in at Llandaff Cathedral last Sunday night. Impressed? You should be. Actually it was very cool to be there (about 12 of us) - part of some other stuff going on re rededicating ourselves to God’s work. It was just a teeny bit hard to stay awake on the last hour 5-6 am since we were lying down doing “Soaking Prayer”..!
I bet the Kiwi colleagues at work and people at church love the Welsh accent, if they can understand you.
Muigai’s wedding is on Saturday. Don’t know if you’re in touch. The last count I heard was expecting 700 guests. Just a small bash, then. Lol.
Just realised I’m not sure where in NZ you are and too tired to check back. My Mum’s cousins are in Auckland (Bucklands Beach, and have a place in Half Moon Bay too).
Think printing is done now. Yey I can go to bed.
God bless
October 7th, 2007 at 1:35 pm
Alex and I just flew from Rudry to Christhurch Nz. didn’t see you anywhere I guess google earth isn’t quite that good yet, give it a year or two and it will be beem me up scotty. finall a personal message from Mrs Evans your ex French Teacher via Alex ‘ Skate board in french ‘
Hopefully that will mean something to you.
Enjoy your trips
Colin & Alex ( Sues cooking dinner )
p.s mrs evans also carn’t belive how old u r and she hopes your having a good trip
pp.s and she said you would know what she ment (wid the hole skatebord thing)
ppp.s she carn’t belive your half way round the world
October 7th, 2007 at 1:52 pm
hi nathan here’s wa dad 4got to say:
1.hope you under stand the skatebord thing
2. mum/aunty sue has broken her big toe : see droped nanna’s stone bird bath on it
3: nanna say’s hiya hope your having a fab time:well not quite same meaning tho
4. i say hi
5.so dose mum/anty sue
6. oh ‘n’ lol
7. mrs evans is slightly lopey
8. ‘n’ ceryn beat me on wii sports
see ya soon
alex & sue & colin & nanna
p.s not many people like (lol)
October 7th, 2007 at 1:54 pm
oh hope your having a fab time the pic r great
ov the sunset pics
the phone is rigning so i better get in
p.s it’s nanna wondering were dad is
October 7th, 2007 at 2:45 pm
WOW! I know exactly what she means and thats made my day that has! ROFL, SkateBOARD! he he he, they were some funny french lessons!
Pass on a Bonjour and G’day to her from me please
Thank you Colin and Alex, and Sue, slaving away in the kitchen while you two play around on the computer, tut tut. Is the computer running smoothly now?
October 11th, 2007 at 7:56 am
Haha u have to work and we are sick so we don’t have to go. I don’t have anything to say, im just bored! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
October 20th, 2007 at 6:24 pm
i will tell mrs evans on thusday i think that wen i got french then